Parmenas Bond to Richard Yates


Parmenas Bond to Richard Yates


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










Carlyle Ill

July 2d 1861

The Hon Richard Yates Gov of the State of Illinois

My Dear Sir

Permit me to say to you as I do not intend to write you a long letter that next to God who redeemed us I love my Country and its history of the past and although I am an humble individual I have its interests so at heart that I have no sympathy for any man or set of men that advocate the overthrow of my government and the Trailing in the dust of the old Stars & Stripes of that Government Consequently I desire to say to you that I believe after mature deliberation that it is indispensibly necessary to deal promptly with Traitors and rebels in this county that we have them by scores is beyond doubt

I would not have you consider me as aiming to take life or limb of the great number that is opposing the action of the government to defend itself against those that would overthrow it but I would suggest the necessity of bringing such characters speedily before the proper authorities and cause the oath of allegiance to be tendered them and upon their refusal to take that oath to administer such punishment as the case may require without delay

Such being my views religiously you have them and if in Your Excellency wisdom You should deem if proper to institute a military enquiry into this matter I stand ready to give names and places and would be glad to hear from you in the matter at an early day. there is numbers that would and perhaps have aided and abetted the enamies of the Government at this time and should be dealt with

You know me and know full well the fires I Stand between in famaly relations but God knows that I know no man in this fight but extend the hand of love and friendship to all union loving men

With sentiments of great regard permit me to Subscribe my name not only as Yours &c but Your devoted friend and admirer

Parmenas Bond

PS Will you write me I know you are bound I know you are full to overflowing with business but write if you please


Parmenas Bond.


Parmenas Bond



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