Febry 15 4
Mrs A F Tremble
Secretary of Sanitary Fair
Alton City
Madam. Your very courteous note of invitation to be present and address the loyal women of your City, at the opening of your "Sanitary Fair", is before me.
In reply, I regret to say that a previous engagement, and the press of official duties at home will compel me to decline your invitation. I assure you, I sympathize most heartily in your project. It is a noble work you are engaged in. Long will the true hearted women, who are aiding by their presence and labors the soldiers of our Union! long will they live
in the remembrance of a grateful country.
How many a poor fellow will remember as long as he lives those noble women, who cared for and contributed to his relief, when away from home, kindred and friends in a southern clime. Many soldiers now in the ranks fighting to sustain our glorious Union owe their lives to the little delicacies and comforts supplied by our Sanitary Fairs and Solders-Aid Societies.
Let the ladies of our land remember the influence which they wield in the affairs of the Nation, and use it, as you are doing, faithfully in the cause of our beloved Country.
It is a source of profound regret with me that I am not able to accept your invitation - May God speed and bless you in your noble labor for our brave volunteers!
Very Respectfully
Richd. Yates