J. M. Galbraith to Richard Yates



J. M. Galbraith to Richard Yates


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










Hickory Ills Aug. 24 1861


Dear Sir, I would ask a moment of your precious time that you may know what is going on in this corner of Egypt. we have among us here. lots and scores of rebelious traitorous Southern synapathisers, (the news to the contrary not withstanding) Traitors, Rebels, counterfirtors & hog [Shines?], are organizing and leading scores and hundreds of good and honest citizens, in to treason and rebelion. I think that the head quarters of this movement is in Jefferson County Thy call themselves Peace men the middle party and so on

I am creditably informed that thy are organizing lodges of the famous organization, known as the Knights of the Golden Circle. now I think that it is probable that you sir, know more of this movement than I do and also of its remedy if it needs one. all that I positively know is that there is an organization, that they are threatning union men generally and Republicans in particular. that they are now threatning, predicting and prophesying the downfall of the United States Government I do believe that the devil is at the bottom of the matter and that these very men in their hearts intend mischief I am informed that a majority

of the men in Jefferson County have gone in to this plot, it has extended its poison into Hamilton, Wayne & Marion and God knows where else Now Sir I do believe this matter needs a remedy, and that, the remedy will soon have to be applied.

Should you find it necessary to meet this movement with an armed force, and should you determine to call out a home guard in this region I myself, sir am at your service. I should to day be in the United States army, but for the care of a helpless family.

for further information I refer you to Thomas M. Casey of Jefferson County, his



address is Mt. Vernon Ills Please let me know whether or not it necessary to raise home guards in this corner also if such ware organized whether you could furnish them with arms and uniforms, I propose to raise a company of mounted sharp shooters by your advice, or a foot company or none at all as you deem most wise

Please Address

J. M. Galbraith

Hickory Hill

Marion County Ills



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