Mattoon Ills. Aug 23rd 1864.
Hon Richard Yates
Dear Sir
You have undoubted been batered with Mattoon, Yet allow me to say to you that I am not a military man do not aspire to that. Capacity: You know how we stand here as to locality and. political standing, the Copperheads hate us with a perfect Hatred. I know that they contemplate devilly, and, I drop you this to ask you whether you will [commission?] a man or authorize him to raise a co. of Cavalry to be subject to your or the Gov orders. in the state, we have a man that has seen Service here. by the name of Crow who profess to raise a company I do not know the military arrangements he is a brave judicius man and can raise a fine
company of men, let me hear from you & oblige
Your Tly
F. A. Allison
Allison F. A.
Matoon Ills Agst 23d 64
Wants a commission given to some man there to raise a comp of cavalry to suppress treason. recommends Mr Crow
Write him would be most glad to appnt probably
Write Crow if the Company to be kept up at Govt expense Govt refuses. Can furnish arms for a militia co. - every man very loyal - but no pay.
Ansd Sept 9th 1864 as directed