Paris, Sept. 15th 1864
Gov. Yates D'r sir
I dislike exceedingly to trouble you so often, but there are some things upon which I desire information; and, first of all, I am deputed on the part of the Union men of this vicinity to invite you to make us a speech at Paris sometime during the Campaign, the time to be fixed by yourself. We will take it as a great favor if you will accept, and you can accomplish much good by so doing.
There are numbers of volunteers from this county, and, of course, all over the state, that were recruited into old regiments with the understanding that they were to be discharged with the balance of the regiments. Can any thing be done to induce the War Department to discharge these men at the expiration of their supposed term of enlistment?
Can you not induce Col. Oakes
to order the draft in Illinois by townships? or is it now too Late? If this could be done it would conduce materially to the ends of justice, and aid the Union party in this portion of the state, and, I presume, in other sections. Hoping to receive an early reply, I have the honor to be
Your ob't servant
S. L. Spink
Spink S. L
Paris Sept 15th 1864
Invitation to Speak
S. is candidate for reps. Write excusing delay & give him full answer
Ansd. Sept. 30. 64