Ward. B. Jefferson, Bks, MO.
Sep 26th/64
To His Excellency
Richard Yates
Gove State Ill
Dear Sir
I wish to be informed wether I can be mustered into the Vetran Reserve Corps contrary to my wishes or not I have served in the field two years was wounded at the battle of Ressaca GA. on the 14th of last May my wound is in the knee I past examination a few days ago & not being fit for the field the place I prefer if I am to stay my full time
The Surgeon seem inclined to asign me to the V.R.C. contrary to my wishes
I understand that that there is an order prohibiting the mustering a wounded soldier into the V.R.C. except he desires to belong to the above corps if such an order now exist I would like to know it
Please let me know as soon as practicable & oblige
Very Truly & Respectfuly yours
John. B. Felton,
Private Co. G 102nd Ill. Vol. Inft
John B Fulton
Co E 102d Ills Vols.
Jefferson Bks Mo. Sep 26/64
Wants to know if an order now exists which prohibits the mustering of a wounded soldier into the V.R.C contrary to his wishes.
Ansd. H