75 cents
Words by Dr. MUHLENBERC.
Music by A. C. CUTTERSON.
Published bu J. L. PETERS, New York.
1. Give thanks, all ye pe_ple, give thanks to the Lord, Al_le_lu_ias of free_dom, with joy_ful ac_cord: Let the East and the West, North and South roll a_long. Sea mountain and prai_re, one thanksgiv_ing song.
2. For the sun_shine and rain_fall, en_rich_ing a_gain Our a_cres in my_riads, with treasures of grain: For the earth still un_load_ing her ma_ni_fold wealth. For the skies beam_ing vi_gor, the winds breathing health.
3. For the Nation's wide ta_ble, o'er_flow_ing_ly spread, Where the ma_ny have feast_ed and all have been fed, With no bon_dage, their God_given rights to en_thrall, But Li_ber_ty guarded by Jus_tice for all.
4. In the realms of the An_vil, the Loom, and the Plow, Whose the mines and the fields, to Hi, grate_ful_ly bow; His the flocks and the herds, sing ye hill_sides and the vales: On His o_cean do_mains chant His name with the gales.
5. Of commerce and traffic, ye princes, behold Your rich_es from Him Whose the sil_ver and gold, Happier children of La_bor, true lords of the soil, Bless the Great Mas_ter-Workman, who blesseth your soil.
6. Brave men of our for_ces, Life_guard of our coasts, To your lea_der be loy_al, Je_ho_vah of Hosts: Glow the Stripes and the Stars aye with vic_to_ry bright, Reflecting His glo_ry,_He crown_eth the right.
7. Nor shall ye thro' our borders, ye stricken of heart, On_ly wail_ing your dead, in the joy have no part; God's sol_ace be yours, and for you there shall flow All that ho_nor and sym_pathy's gifts can be_stow.
8. In the Domes of Mes_si_ah_ ye wor_shipping throngs, Solemn li_ta_nies Min-gle with ju_bilant songs; The Ruler of na_tions be_seeching to spare, And our em_pire still keep the E_ject of his care.
9. Our guilt and transgressions re_member no more; Peace, Lord! righteous peace, of Thy gifts we implore; And the ban_ner of U_nion, restored by Thy hand, Be the ban_ner of Free_dom o'er all in the land.
Give thanks, all ye people, give thanks to the Lord, Al_le_lu_ias of free_dom with joy_ful ac_cord. Give thanks, all ye peo_ple, give thanks to the Lord, Al_le_lu_ias of free_dom with joy_ful ac_cord.
Entered according to the Act of Congress A.D. 1864 by H.M. Higgins, in the Clerks Office of the District Court of the Northern District of Illinois. 3787-1