Morton S. McAtee to Richard Yates


Morton S. McAtee to Richard Yates


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










Chester, Randolph County Ills.

June 27th 1862.

Gov; Richard Yates;

Sir; I write to ask authority from your Excellency to organize a Corps of men for service in the U. S. Army to be designated the "First Battalion, Illinois Reconnaifsance, Engineer and Signal Corps," and to be armed and equiped as other Regiments. Their specialty is to be the use of an apparatus for reconnoitering, engineering and signaling by means of small balloons and elevated mirrors. - Unlefs authority to organize the Corps and perfect the system should be given me, a more complete discription of the apparatus and explanation of the principle than is given below will be unnecefsary.

The mirrors are elevated by means of balloons of small size, - say of a buoying power of from fifty to seventy five pounds, - held in position and regulated by cords, and inflated by gas comprefsed into vefsels of conveniently portable size. To the balloon is also attached a system of signals, by means of which intelligence can be given of the position and movements of an Enemy, their distance off the nature of the intervening ground, the effect of shot or shell fired at long range, the advance or retreat of any portions of our own army and all other intelligence of use. Angles and distances

can also be obtained for a basis for topograpical calculation, saving the loss of time and life in making reconnaisances, enabling an army to advance with a full knowledge of what obstacles it may have to over come and of what advantages it may take, furnishing a knowledge of the roads and country for two or three miles in advance, and correcting the range of artillery fired at long distances. Such a system of reconnoitering and signaling, once perfected, will prove of such palpable advantage that I need say nothing more in its favor. Of its practicability there can be no doubt, and even in the imperfect condition in which it will necefsarily be used at first, it will be of great advantage, for even the merest glimpse of the lay of the ground or the position of an enemy would often precipitate and decide the fate of a day. -- I am well aware that this application would be more properly made to the Secretary of War. But I am an Illinois soldier, and am anxious that this system should be brought out by the State of Illinois and under the auspices of a Governor whose administration has proved so honorable to himself and so beneficial the state and whose name is so prominently connected with the defence of our country in the present war.

As references I feel free to offer the names of Col John Tillson, Col Jas D. Morgan and Gen E. A. Paine, and the services of my Regiment (10th Ills.) Col Tillson is now probably in Springfield and will gladly favor me if necefsary. I will await a reply at this place and will send drawings, specifications and full details of the plan of organization.

Very respty

Your obedient servant

Morton S. McAtee

Capt 10th Ills Infantry.

His Excellency

Gov; Richard Yates.

10th Regiment Infantry.

Morton S. McAtee.

Capt Co. --

Wishes to organize a Corps of men for service in the U. S. Army to be designated The "1st Battalion Illinois Reconnaissance. Engineer. & Signal Corps." & to be armed and equipped as other Reg.ts. their speciality [illegible mark]

Refers to Col Tilson. Col Jas D. Morgan. Genl E. A. Paine. and the services of the 10th Regiment.

Ans'd July22nd

Moses -- This is an ingenious letter and I want you to compliment McAtee for it -- say also that I have submitted to Sec of War requesting authority for Regt -- and feel gratified to know he approves of my Administration.



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