Copy Sent to Gen. Wright
State of Illinois Executive Department
Springfield Feby 27, 1863
Maj Gen Wright
Dear Sir:
I have but just recd yours of the 18th. I had my own suspicions of Merrit and so strong that I caused an interview between Gen Palmer and him with a view to decide whether he was loyal. I know nothing of him -- he came here but lately recommending himself as a Brig. Gen. in the Gunboat service -- He said he should see you etc. My opinion is that he is more of a
humbug than a spy and that the best way is to pay no attention to him except to send him on his way.
It is true that a formidable secession peace party exists in Illinois which intends to have the ascendancy or to overthrow the Government. It is but too true that in very many places in Illinois deserters could not be arrested without resistance -- and that many very good and wise men are in constant apprehension of immediate revolution.
The Government must have a large force here if it expects to enforce the authority of the Government -- Without it we shall be overwhelmed.
I thank you for your generous promise of cooperation - and if you will write to Washington recommending that a force be immediately sent to Illinois you will much oblige
Yours truly
Rich Yates
P.S. I leave here for Washington in a few days and if you will write me then I will be obliged.
Gov. Yates to Maj Genl Wright
In regard to one Merritt who represented himself to be a Brig Genl in the GunBoat service. He is more of a Humbug than a spy and thinks it is best to send him on his way. Asks Genl W to urge the authorities to send a large force in Illinois to keep down disturbances of public peace.