Jasen Allan to David S. Smith



Jasen Allan to David S. Smith


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










Geneseo Ill April 14 '1865

David S. Smith Esq


Dr Sir:

Herewith please find check of "First National Bank Geneseo" on Chicago for $800.00 less exchange, which please place to credit of A M Richards, who says he bought some of your lands of me about one year ago. I recollect the man, but hav forgotten the transaction and have no papers in the case. Please send receipt for the money

It is reported here that another has been appointed Postmaster here in Wm's place.

The Editor of the paper published here is the man. He is of the same stripe with our Member of Congress Ingersol---both came into our party for a consideration personal and are alike very unreliable. Ingersol has given Hobbs our Editor the Post Office in consideration that he puff him & tc It is custom to allow Members of Congress to control appointments in his District I made very little effort to see Mr Lincoln when in Washington. He was crowded beyond all decency. Senators & members of Congress said it was about an impossibility to get

in to see him. Ingersol is giving Something to all the Editors in this District to make himself popular so far as they can do that thing for him

Wm informs me that this Post Office has become, since his appointment, so large that the appointment of a Post Master for this Office must be confirmed by the Senate and thinks it possible that fact may have been overlooked. if so, the newly appointed Post Master must wait for confirmation by the Senate. Now Gov Yates is just about as hostile to Ingersol as can be and said to me last winter at Springfield "I would not take Ingersols word of honor for five minutes" If there was no confirmation of Hobbs appointment Gov. Yates can control this matter if he will Will you not See Gov Yates, and ask him if he cannot & will not stop these miserable [Kinlings?] from making Merchandise of the Republican Party. William feels as if his hour had come---what to do he knows not It is a Sad prospect for him. The Post Office Seems to suit him admirably

If Governor Yates would undertake the job he can keep William in the Post Office Will you not make a personal appeal to him in Wm Behalf.

I am with all regards &c

Jasen Allan



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