Allan Tomlin to Richard Yates


Allan Tomlin to Richard Yates


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










A. Tomlin

Galena 31t August 1860

My Dear Friend

I believe I answered your last soon after its receipt. I now write to say that Allen has been here & he made a very good impression on his party. he is sharp & smart rather than great or eloquent he did not seem to comprehend the great scope of principles thier hearing & tendency- it all run into the slavery, abolition disunion & Republican. You have enclosed a good portion of his speech. Very many Democrats & nearly all Republicans expected to have State affairs

discussed almost entirely by a candidate for the office of Governor. You will see that he ignored State matters entirely and gave us an excuse that you done the same. Now I know that nearly all of the discriminating & well informed were disappointed & chagrined on this account he said nothing about the Matteson Swindle. The Bissell attempt---or the alleged design of the Ills CRR Co to get clear of the seven per cent. The great Educational intensity of the state. nor the financial, agricultural, Commercial & by what

measures of benificient legislation our Cities or city may become the great throbing Centre of the commerce of the North West not only local & sectional but extending over the world & thus by a direct & free Communication with Europe - bring all our Cereals into direct competition with the grain producers of Europe - as well as our raw materials and our mechanical productions - nothing in regard to the restriction of charters & monopolising grants - nothing as to the extending or limiting cities & counties in regard to loaning their promises & increasing taxation - nothing about holding all officials to a strict & rigid accountability for all trusts reposed in them - nothing about the great & varied mineral wealth of the state & the

best methods of developing it nothing about the State's rights & conflicts of authority between the U. S. & our own. See Drummond late decision on the Exemption act---& about these cordon of U.S.Jails enciting through the country - bearing the name of U S Post offices & Custom houses - but used as jails & myriad other matters---which will suggest themselves to your Capacious mind & long experience with which I am of course ignorant. I told my friends I did not believe Allen's statement. I knew you made one speech on National matters. I assured them you would take the matters up & let daylight through it. let me hear from your soon. write all you can & give me all the news your old friend

Allan Tomlin



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