James P. Root to Richard Yates



James P. Root to Richard Yates


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










Thomas J. Turner, Chairman.

Wm. Bross, Treasurer.

James P. Root, Secretary.

Thomas J. Turner,

Cornelius Lansing,

Perkins Bass,

A. C. Hessing,

A. C. Harding,

Executive Committee.

Post Office Drawer, 5872.


Head Quarters Union State Central Committee,

Chicago, Aug 23d 1864.


Hon Richard Yates


Dear sir,

I write you this time, not as secretary of the committee, and not to be treated as such but as a friend. Should you be questioned as to the source of the information please do not connect my name with it. You must have become aware of the disaffection of the German Element in the North West & of the necessity of indulging that peculiar class of people. The Statts Zeiting, the only Lincoln German paper in Illinois that I know of which supports Lincoln, out of thirteen in the North West, has until quite recently in connection with the Chicago Tribune done the Government Printing in Chicago. It opposes the re-nomination of Arnold for Congress, and there's where the Gazelle comes in.

It has a circulation of 5000. in the North West. Mostly in Illinois.

The German Telegraph, which has

Fremont & Cochrane flying at its mast head, & daily abuses Lincoln & the Administration supports the Re-nomination of Mr Arnold with a circulation of about 700. These facts are well known here.

Last week the Zeiting Office was notified that the Government Printing had been transfered from the Zeiting to the Telegraph. Upon inquiring as to the reason it was stated by the disbursing agent here that it was an account of "representations made at Washington by the member of Congress from this District".

The Effect of this in anything but edifying. Hesing & Brentano of the Zeiting on yesterday morning had their leader prepared to blow this matter & haul down Lincoln's name. Not a man seeking a nomination here now wants it. I fear it will loose us the Senator in Ogden's Place and two members of the House. Can we afford it? If we loose this how does the U. S. Senator stand. Gone sure.

If Mr Arnold pursues this policy we loose Cook Co by 2500 Maj. Can Oglesby spare that number? Can we spare three members of the Legislature? Mr Arnold cannot be elected! The Dutch have sworn it. Such kind of trifling must be stopped. Hesing & Brentano have agreed to wait. It is not so much a matter of printing with them as the insult as they claim it, to snub them in this way by giving the printing to a Fremont paper when the whole German Element is quivering, and with difficulty held to the Baltimore nomination. If you cannot find time to come here write to Church who will tell you what I have. Too much is at stake. The State Ticket Legislature, U. S. Senator & perhaps President!! & my honest conviction is that if we dont win this fall this country & the experiment of self government have proved stupendous failures

I give you the facts and you can draw inferences as well as I. I know that Hesing was dissuaded from publishing his leader by the Earnest entreaties of a few friends, who begged of him to hold on till Saturday

Now Governor. I assume that you will be our candidate for the Senate. The question is, can you afford to have such didos cut up to advance the interests of one man? Can the party afford it? Can the country afford it

I advise you of the facts as I have Oglesby on a/o of my interest in the general result.

Col Turner is at Washington - the ex com. therefore can take no action in the matter. I would suggest that you communicate with Church at once.

I have written confidentially, because the policy of the committee has been to have no part in this congressional fight. Secondly, I dont know how Turner feels toward you, and until I understand that he is fully right in that question I do not propose to talk much with him about it. I presume he is all right. I hope he is. I have the honor to be

Truly Yours,

James P. Root

Root Jas. P

Chicago Aug. 23d 64

In referrence to Arnold having the Government Printing transfered from the Zeitung to Telegraph & thus turning the German Element against us.



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