Springfield Ills. January 13, 1862
To his Excellency Governor Richard Yates
Sir, A proposition for the establishment of a National Armory at some suitable point in the North Western States is now occupying the attention of Congress, which is likely to become a law as soon as the location and other particulars of its organization shall have been [fined?] upon. The object of this communication is to solicit your recommendation to the President of myself, for the appointment of Superintendant of the proposed Armory, in the event of its establishment; for which position I conceive myself well qualified by ability, education and experience. I have served both in the line, and in the Quarter Master's Department of the Army during the Mexican War, and have thus become acquainted practically with the regulations and requirements of the Military Service, and the modes of transacting its business with the several departments of the Government. The knowledge and experience thus gained have qualified me to perform the duties of Assistant Quarter Master General of this State, during the
the present War, under circumstances of considerable difficulty, with a degree of success, of which I leave others to judge. My duties in both this and the Mexican War have connected me with the Ordnance as well as the Quarter Master's Department, so that I am familiar with the duties of either. I have been by profession a Mechanical Engineer, and am both theoretically and practically acquainted with Mechanics, Architecture, Topographical, and Mechanical Draughting, Machine Making &c. I am also well versed in the several branches of Science connected with those pursuits. Should you consider that the interests of the Public service would be advanced by my appointment to the position alluded to, I shall feel greatly obliged if you will address a letter to the President expressive of your sentiments with regard to my eligibility.
I have the honor to be Very Respectfully, Your Obt. Servt.
Edward Everett
Ed. Everett Ast. Q-M Springfield Jany [21?]
Asking recommendation for Prest. for appt. of Supt. Nat. Armory
Letter written.
W Moses Write letter