Springfield, July 19/62
Gov. Yates:
Dear Sir, I have been informed by my friend, Mr. Northcott, that there is a prospect that Col. Jaquess will need an Adjutant in his Regt.
The object of this note is to request of you the consideration of my son Wm. M. Barger for that position, and his appointment, if it meets the views of Col. Jaquess.
William has been in the service about a year. And I think upon inquiry you will be satisfied with his qualifications for the place.
He has pretty nearly recovered from his sickness - has been on active detached service in "Convalescent Hospital, No 2 Benton Barracks, St Louis", about two months.
Your favorable consideration
of the matter will be duly acknowledged by
Your Obt servant
John S. Barger
Jacksonv. Ill
John S. Barger
July 19
understands by Mr Northcott, that Col Jaquess will need an Adjutant in his Regiment. Names his son Wm M Barger for that position if it meets with the views of Col Jaquess
[illegible] Aug. 2, 1862