Corinth Miss
July 22nd 1862
To His Excelency
Richard Yates
Gov. State of Illinois
Being personally acquainted with Capt. E. M. Low, and Lieut. G. G. Low, of the Ninth Illinois regiment (Inft.) I can cheerfully recomend them or either of them to any field office in one of the new regiments, now being raised and organized in the State of Illinois. To know that they have been connected with the ninth Ill. Inft. is a suficent garentee for strict military discipline drill and proficiency in every thing that makes a good officer. I have no hesitancy in saying that if you should deem proper to apoint one or both of these gentlemen to positions in one of the new regiments That meritt would be rewarded and the service honered
Your Obt. Sevt
N. Greusel
Col 36th Rgt
Ill Vol
Col N Greusel
36th lls
Corinth July 22d 62.
Capt E. M. Low and Lieut G. G. Low 9th Ills are either of them qualified for appointment to a Field Office in one of the new Regts.