"Munificent Gift for the Support of the War--Correspondence Between Governor Yates and the Donor"



"Munificent Gift for the Support of the War--Correspondence Between Governor Yates and the Donor"


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










Munificent Gift for the support of the War --- Correspondence Between Governor Yates and the Donor.

Executive Department. Springfield, Ill., August 11, 1862

Editors Journal:

I hand you herewith, for publication, a letter I received some days since from Samuel Fosdick, Esq., of Cincinnati, Ohio. It speaks for itself, and although evidently not intended for the public eye, I cannot refrain from giving it publicity, as an example worthy of all commendation. While it expresses the spirit of determination in the hearts of the people, at this time, it is an exhibition of patriotic benevolence, that will cheer and encourage our brave soldiers on their long marches, away form kindred and home. They will see that there are those who think of their wants, and who will provide for them and their families. All honor to the noble hearted men of our land who meet the demands upon their resources with an open hand. Their deeds follow them - the prayer of the widor and the fatherless, and the suffering will follow them; and Heaven will bless them in basket and in store.

RICHARD YATES, Governor of Illinois

CINCINNATI, July 31, 1862.

Hon. Richard Yates, Governor of Illinois:

SIR: To aid in this crisis in the affairs of our Government, I will enclose you a check for five hundred dollars, not knowing any one in authority whose views of the mode to subjugate traitors coincide so entirely with my own as yours do, as expressed in your letter to President Lincoln of the 11th inst. On the other hand, my convictions are strong that the policy heretofore pursued if persisted in, can only end in the destruction of the Government. The check I send please use in aid of those patriotic citizens who are willing to imperil their lives in sustaining the institutions of our country, if you are satisfied that the measures the crisis demands are about being inaugurated, such as will accomplish the desired end, otherwise appropriate the money for the comfort of any of the numerous fatherless children this fiendish rebellion has already made in our land.

Respectfully yours, [Signed] SAM'L FOSDICK.



Sam'l Fosdick, Esq., Cincinnati, O.:

MY DEAR SIR: I acknowledge with much pleasure the receipt of your letter of the 31st ult., enclosing a draft for five hundred dollars to be expended by me in behalf of those "who are willing to imperil their lives in the defense of their country," or for "the comfort of the many fatherless children this fiendish rebellion has already made in the land."

I have received many letters from my fellow-citizens approving my course, and indorsing the policy I have from time to time set forth as the true one, for the conduct of the war; but never before had the honor of receiving a testimonial, at once so gratifying, so disinterested, and so substantial, as this. Coming as it does from an entire stranger, I beg to assure you, that I appreciate all the more highly, the generosity and patriotism, as well as the benevolent motives, which prompted the gift. I accept the trust, and will see that it is faithfully executed. The time for dallying is passed - the time for action, resolute and determined has come. The people say in their majesty, this infernal rebellion, the offspring of crime and corruption must be put down. They want no more stopping to consider whether it is unconstitutional or not to defend and support the Constitution. They want the land purged of treason and traitors; and that quickly - using all lawful means. I have an abiding faith in the strength of their purpose, in the sacredness of our cause, and in the sure triumph of the only government on earth that gives hope to liberty, fraternity and equality -- those grand principles of constitutional freedom, that must stand forever.

With highest respect, I am very truly, & c., RICH D YATES, Governor of Illinois.



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