Dixon Ills.
Sept. 13th A. D. 1862
Gov. Yates
Dear Sir -
Pardon me for occupying your time about a matter which I presume you have already attended to; but which may possibly, in the multitude of your cases, been overlooked. I refer to the desired appointment of Col. E. N. Kirk of the 34th to a Brigadier General-ship, to date from Shiloh.
Col. Kirk's merits are too well known to you, to make a word as to them necessary; and I do essure you that if his appointment could be secured, all this portion of the Rock River County would feel under renewed obligation to you.
I am Yr. obt. Servt.
John V. Eustace
John V. Eustace
Dixon Ill. Sept 14th '62
Renews his application to have Col. E. N. Kirk of 34th Regt appointed Brigadr. Genl.
Ansd. Sept 23.
Application has been made at Washington.