St. Nicholas Hotel,
J. W. Sponsler, Propreitor.
Springfield, Ill., Nov 6th 1862.
Hon R. Yates
Dr Sir
You will remember me as Qt Master 79th Reg. Physical inability compelled my resignation on the Regiment taking the field. You will remember that I was wounded at Ft Donelson receiving a shot in the chin carrying away the greater portion of the lower Jaw (Bone). I do not wish to occupy your time by asking a personal audience hence I write this note. I wish a letter from you to the President or Secty of war recommending me for the position of either Pay Master or assistant
commissary of subsistence. I have the recommendations of all the Officers of Regiments which encamped at Peoria last Summer & citizens of Peoria (John Dunham & others) stating that I performed my duties as Quarter Master faithfully & efficiently. I have also the state officers (excepting yourself) & also Gen'ls McClernand and Grant Ross & Oglesby I lack your signature - Capt [Barthach?] signed also & will vouch for the promptness & fidelity with which I performed my official duties. Please write as strong a letter to the Pres. or Secy of war as you can, send to me at Peoria so that I may take
it with me to Washington first next week. Judge Kellogg wrote a very strong letter also. Please do not neglect this & greatly oblige
very obt svt
J. F. Wilson
P.S. Please write letter to day if you can so that I will get it tomorrow
L. F. Wilson,
St. Nicholas
Nov. 6
of Peoria
Ans'd Dec. 6
Desires a letter to President recommending him as paymaster or assistant.
Has recommendation of all the officers of regts at Peoria citizens of that place &c &c
write him a letter