Nokomis Ills Nov 20/62
Hon Richard Yates Gov
Dr Sir
I take the prviliege to drop you a fiew lines to inform you that we have no Justice of the piece in our town as both of them went to the army and Did not resign their office and wee are distitute I wish that you would take the matter under consideration and grant us the priviliege of holding an Election for that purpose as we stand in need of them very much
Your Most Obedient
R. C. Bullman
It is the duty of the County Clerk to order the election.
Yours Truly
O.M. Hatch,
Sec State,
Ansd. Dec. 9 62.
R.C. Bullman
Nokomis Nov. 20. 62
Says both Justices of his town have enlisted. The people of the town want the privilege of holding an election as they are in want of a J.P.
Mr Hatch Please give me your opinion & oblige Richd. Yates