Everett House St. Louis Mo.
Fourth Street bet. Olive & Locust
A.S. Merritt, Proprietor.
St. Louis, July 1, 1863.
To Honl. Richard Yates,
Governor of Illinois:
Dear Sir:
I am anxious, if it is practicable, to procure an order for a cavalry regiment for Ed. Joslyn, of Kane County. I wish you would drop me a line and inform me whether the order can be obtained. The regiment can be recruited in a few weeks.-
I expected to see you as I went home, but, shall be unable to stop in Springfield.
Truly yours
T. J. Pickett
Ans July 13
Pickett T. J.
File P.
Saint Louis July 1st 1863
Is very anxious to procure an order for a Cavalry Regt for Ed Joslyn thinks the men can be recruited in a few weeks - wishes to know if the order can be obtained.
Recd Ex O. July 6 1863.