Hon Richd Yates
Govr State of Ills.
Hon Sir
I had hoped to have found you in Springfield & had the pleasure of a personal interview with you in reference to a matter, which the accompanying papers will explain -- but as it is impossible for me to remain till your return -- may I ask you to read them and if in your power, grant the desired favor.
I know your love for our state soldiers and your disposition to reward meritorious service -- and shall feel under lasting obligations to you for whatever you may be able to do towards getting for my son a position which he is competent to fill
Respectfully Your Obt Servant
H.Y. Miller
July 29. 1863
File M.
Miller H. Y.
Springfield July 29 63.
Wishes the Governor to examine enclosed papers and do what he can to promote his son -- to the desired position. (no enclosures)
(ansd by Govr. ? --
Recd Ex O. 11th Aug 1863.