Joseph Porter to Richard Yates


Joseph Porter to Richard Yates


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










Camp Butler Ill. August 25th 1863.

To his exeleney Richard Yates. Governor of the State of Illinois.

Dear Sir! On last Saturday I received your valuable information for which I feel truly greatful to ouer Governor.

With reluctance I here write to you, for fear of abusing my Superiors, but I shall confine myself to the truth, but not in a complaining way against anybody, and I think it may be well for the Governor to know what brought me here. After I was wounded, I was captured and Paroled with other Brother wounded on June 20, I have no certificate for that, but none the less so, That is the reason I came to Springfield on July 22 to see the governor, he was not at home and General [Marchesnand?] advised me to go to the Provostmarshal, he send me here, I was treated as deserters are treated, that come and give themselves up, but objecting to this, I stayed with Co C.113. till August 7 on which day I was examined by Dr. Sturgis, he expressed himself as I stated in my letter of the 17th to the Governor, I showed the reply to the Doctor, who says I am to eager to get my discharge, and I ought not to have my family as an excuse As far as eagerness in concerned, I can not deny that, but I was more eager to enlist, and still more eager when I was a fighting, and having ben disabled in so doing I think I have a right to see to get my discharge with all the eagerness I can muster. I have a continued Pain in my wound, and I know while I live, it will continue so, on account of my age which is nearly fourty years, and about mentioning my family that is natural, but was I able to perform the dutys of a Soldier, this I would deal with as a secondary matter I can not send you that Certificate of disability, and will try to be patient I have not been paid for six months, and that Premium promised us none of us got yet, so you can judge Governor, I ask only Justice, and remain yours most obedient.

Joseph Porter. Ta

Governor Yates

Ansd Sept - 1st

Application previously [illegible]

Porter Joseph

Camp Butler Aug 25 63.

Came to Springfield to see the Governor was arrested as a deserter and is now at Camp Butler. Is a woulded Soldier has been examined by the Surgeon wishes to be discharged from the service. &C&C

Recd ExO Aug 27 1863



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