Superintendent's Office.
Springfield, Ills, Sept 18th 1863.
J. L. Camp Esq.
My Dear friend
I shall be compelled to decline speaking any where until the first day of Oct., on that day I have consented to speak to a State Mass Meeting in Dayton Ohio, and thence I have to go to Washington, and I fear I shall not be able to get back until about the 25th, and therefore think it will not be safe to make the appointment in your section until the 25th or say 26th or 27th. If that arrangement will suit, I will be most happy to comply with
the request of my friends, provided however you can arrange another matter. Our friend, A. C. Terrill & others of Whitesides Co. are anxious for me to speak at Sterling or Morrison or some place in Whitesides, and I wish very much to gratify them as far as possible, but every County in the State is pressing me to come, and I can only speak to a good many counties at a time. Now I desire you to see our Whitesides friends and for you & them to compromize on the point and then I will be sure to be there, and hope we will have a rousing big meeting and a good time. Every meeting now should be a rouser.
I have written to friend Terrel the substance of this letter and I hope you will see each other immediately and let me know by your joint letter what is the result. You will find that then is just as good a time for the meeting as [now?]
Your friend
Richd Yates