With C.W. Foster letter 11/17/63
War Department,
Adjutant General's Office,
Washington, D.C. November 17 1863.
Hon. Lyman Trumbull
U.S. Senator,
Chicago, Illinois,
I am directed to acknowledge the receipt of a letter from Major General J.A. McClernand, to the Hon. Secretary of War of the 11th instant, with your endorsement in the case of A.O. Millington, Esqr.
Mr. Millington was examined on the 17th of September last, and recommended by the Examining Board, now in session at Saint Louis, for the grade of Colonel.
He was authorized to appear for examination with a view to his being appointed to the regiment, which Governor Yates, was authorized to raise.
Governor Yates having informed
the Department that a colored regiment could not be raised in Illinois, on account of the low rate of pay, allowed by law to such troops, the the name of Mr. Millington has been transmitted to Brigr. General L. Thomas Adjutant General U.S. Army, at Vicksburg, Miss., with the hope that he may be appointed to the command of one of the colored Regiments now being organized by General Thomas in the Southwest.
I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
(Signed) C.W. Foster
Assist Adjt Genl Vols.
Official copy respectfully furnished His Excellency Richard Yates Governor of Illinois, Springfield Ills. for his information.
C.W. Foster
Assist Adjt Genl Vols.