Louisville KY Hospital No. 18
December the 9th 1863
To Gov Yates of Ills
I now take my pen in hand to write
these few lines to you to let you know that
their is several Ills boys at this place that was
wounded at the Bloody Battle of Chickamuga
and we would like to be sent to our own
state for we think we would be more comfortable
there and if you will be as kind and send for
us we shall be very much oblige to you for all
the boys that came to the hospital the time
we came as been sent to their own state
and I think that the Ills soldiers as always done
their duty every where and we should like to be
treated same as other states troops.
From the Ills Soldiers
at Hospital No..18
Louisville Ky
Illinois Soldiers
In hospital No 18
Louisville Decem 9 1863
Wish to be transferred
to some hospital in their
own state.