Jacksonville Dec 18 1863
To His Excellency Gov Yates
Dear Sir
You may remember signing a petition for a colonel ship for our old friend Lieut Wm Strawn, over a colored Regt., to be sent to Washington.
For some reason I learned that he failed to secure it.
Could he not be promoted in the new regiments to be raised in this state?
Judge Berdan and myself and the other petitioners in his behalf feel that he is not advanced as fast as his merits deserve, and that he is so retiring and modest that he never will be, unless you or some other good friend should interfere in his behalf:
You reccollect that his testemonials from his fellow officers were of the highest character? What can you do for him? Good times those "glory hallelujah!" & "We will rally round the flag boys" &c
Yours Truly J B Turner
P.S. I will enclose Lieut Strawns last letter to me: Judge Berdan myself and others first got up a petition for him for Washington: then he did not seem to care for it: But now his attention has been called to it he naturally feels solicitous not to be defeated entirely & you know that is in the blood of the Strawns.
Turner J. B.
Jacksonville Ills
Dec 18 63
Writes in behalf of Wm Strawn who made an application some time ago for a position in a Colored Regt Wishes the Governor to appoint him Lieut Col of the Regt to be raised in this State. Encloses letter from Strong
Executive Office Dec 19 63