Daily Tribune
Railroad, Commercial and General Printing Office.
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Chicago, January 15 1864
Hon Richard Yates
Dear Sir: Your Private Secretary, writes the enclosed curt letter to our bookkeeper, Mr Williston, in reply to one received from him. Mr Snyder either greatly mistakes, or willfully misstates, the purport of Mr Williston' letter. That gentleman did not write to Mr Snyder that the Tribune "refused to publish the full report" of Your speech; but that the Tribune had published all that had been received. Now, Mr Snyder, who is the Springfield correspondent of the Tribune, should have forwarded a copy of that speech at the earliest moment. This he did not see fit to do. The first copy of your speech that reached this office was through the columns of the Chicago Journal These are simply the facts.
Very truly
Tribune Co
By S. V. R Hickox
Hickox W R
Chicago Jany 15 1864.
Letter in regard to publication of speech. Thinks Snyder yr clerk - willfully misstated letter from Bookkeeper, &c &c
Replied to letter Jany 20th 1864. Stated why letter was wrote to Mr Williston &c
John M Snyder
aid de C.
Executive Office Jany 28 64