Clay City Illinois
Jan, the 26th/64
Hon Richard Yates Govenor of Illinois
Dear Sir I have thought fit to address you in behalf of my son Eli Baldwin private of Co. B. 98th R. Mounted infantry Illinois vol who was wounded in the Battle of Chickamanga and captured by the Rebels and taken to Richmond kept in coustady fifty Eight days was then paroled and sent to Annapolis, Maryland where he has been untill the 15th Inst. when he was ordered to Benton Barracks
and having to pass within three miles of home he has stoped to see his Folks I therefore ask your Honor to give him a fourlough for such time as you may think propper say till about the last of February if consistent with Milatery arrangements if not such length of time as is I wish an answer from you imeaditly so that if he does not get a furlough he can report as ordered Yours &c.
Hamilton Baldwin
Hamilton Baldwin
Write him I have no power - & he is running great risk - Write how he only can get furlough - that I will if he is too sick for service, give any recom he asks
Baldwin, Hamilton.
Clay City Jany 26 1864.
Wishes a furlough for his son, Eli Baldwin private Co B 98th Regt He was wounded in battle of Chicamanga--
Executive Office Febry 1864