A. Kitchell and others on behalf of Olney Journal



A. Kitchell and others on behalf of Olney Journal


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










With Geo. W. Henry 3/10/63

With A. Kitchell 3/23/63


To the Citizens of Eastern and Southern Illinois:--

The undersigned beg your respectful attention to this Circular, and earnestly ask all who shall concur in our views or feel friendly to this enterprise to co-operate with us.

The necessity has long been felt for the maintainance of a first class Union Newspaper in this part of the State, through which the affairs and policy of the General and State Governments might be fairly discussed, and the patriotic sentiments of the people find utterance and support.

In this dark hour of our Nation's struggle against a fiendish rebellion, and when the virus of treason and secession has in so many forms and places poisoned the public virtue, a sense of patriotism and duty has induced a large number of our citizens to meet and determine upon the establishment of a paper designed for the better support of the National Government and the public welfare. To this end the undersigned have been appointed an Executive Committee, whose duty it is to solicit support, provide for, and publish the paper. We assure all patrons and subscribers that they may have no fear of failure; a generous support from them, however, is anticipated. Being well satisfied that to sustain a country paper the usual county patronage was insufficient, the friends who started the enterprise have resolved upon a circulation that shall embrace our sister counties, believing that they will cheerfully give a helping hand of support.

"THE OLNEY JOURNAL" will be edited and conducted by the Hon. JOSEPH G. BOWMAN, now a citizen of our town, and we feel sure that the announcement of a name so distinguished for talents, consistency and patriotism, will secure to the paper the confidence of the country. The first No. will be issued about the 19th inst. We design to issue and distribute a large edition and will be prepared to supply back numbers.

THE TERMS will be $1.50 per copy, for the year, always payable in advance.

Nearly all other business has been reduced to a cash system, and we propose to do so with this as nearly as possible.


Of all kinds will be done promptly and at reasonable rates, and we respectfully request in this respect the patronage and influence of all persons friendly to our paper.

To the end, therefore, that this project and work of patriotism may be properly sustained, we earnestly appeal to the candid and true Union men, of whatever name or party, to rally to its support. It is hoped and believed the paper will be a welcome visitor to all families for its high moral and intellectual tone, and to all lovers of law, order and good government for its devotion to the cause of our country.

We trust the JOURNAL may in some degree aid in sustaining the National life, the Constitution and laws of Republican Government, give comfort and courage to the patriot soldiers, who are fighting the battles which treason inaugurated, and whose blood is being spilled for the overthrow of rebellion and the extinguishment of treason.

This circular will be sent to divers friends, who will please give it as early and earnest attention as possible.

All communications concerning the editorial department should be addressed to Hon. J. G. BOWMAN, and all those upon other matters, to Mr. A. B. DANIEL.




OLNEY, MARCH 11, 1863.



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