Peoria Ills. March 16th 1863
Intending to leave the United States for Europe about the middle of next month I consider it as one of the most pleasant duties to return my sincerest thanks to you for the great kindness you always showed towards me.
I tendered my resignation as Brig. Surgeon last fall on account of ill health and I am hopeful that a change of climate may prove beneficial in restoring the same.
It will render me a great pleasure in aiding to dispense those prejudices-political as well as commercial still existing against our national cause in some parts and circles of the old world. If you could point out some new arguments in favor of our cause you will please furnish me with them, also with some statistical documents regarding the production, the import and export of the northern and the rebel states.
I remain, Governor, with the highest esteem
Your obedient servant
Robs. Roskoten M.D.
To His Excellency
The Governor of Illinois
Richard Yates-Washington
Robert Roskoten M.D.
Peoria March 16 1863
Intends to go to Europe about the Middle of May-and considers it a most pleasant duty to return his thanks to the Governor for the kindness shown him. Will endeavor to dispurse some of the predjudices still existing against our nation in some parts of the old world. Would be glad to receive some statistical documents
Recd Ex O April 22 1863