Chicago April 22/61
To His Exelansy
Govener Yates
Having a desire to Make Myself usefull to my Country I offer my services as Nurse Feeling that I am comptent to fill that important post Having had much experience in the sick room -
My Cousin Harley [Fairbach?] one of the G company will hand this to You if I could I should like to be in his Company Yet my wish is to try to relieve all in as much
as lies in my power to do - as my Husband is dead and having no Children I can well go -
My reffernces are the folling jentlemen
Matthew Laflin S. A. Smith princ of Laflin, Smith and Boris at whose house I am now stopping - Dr Rogers Dr Small & Belbee &c
Your Exelancy will do me a great favour by compling with my request
Yours Truly
Abby M. Laflin
Pls direct in Care of Laflin Smithe & Boris -
Laflin Abby M Laflin Chicago Ills
For Nurse's appt