Illustrated three verse song and chorus supporting the Union.Sheet Description: "This song was first sung during the troubles of General Jackson's time, and is particularly adapted to the present state of the Country".
Two verse song and chorus sung to the tune of "Cheer, Boys Cheer." Description on sheet: "Lines suggested on witnessing Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, raising the new Flag of thirty-four stars on the flag pole on the roof of…
Illustrated seven verse song and chorus sung to the tune of "Wait for the Wagon." The song supports Abraham Lincoln against George McClellan in the election of 1864.
Illustrated six verse song and chorus based on Jefferson Davis' capture on May 10, 1865. The scene depicts a popular myth that Davis tried to elude his captors by dressing as a woman.
Illustrated two verse song sung to the tune of "Jeannette and Jeannot." A common Civil War theme, in which a woman praises the patriotism and sacrifice of her sweetheart's miilitary service, copies of this song sheet often included an ilustration of…
Illustrated two verse song sung to the tune of "Jeannette and Jeannot." A common Civil War theme, in which a woman praises the patriotism and sacrifice of her sweetheart's miilitary service, copies of this song sheet often included an ilustration of…