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  • Collection: Civil War Song Sheets Collection
Illustrated four verse song and chorus sung to the tune of "Under the Willow she's sleeping." The song laments the death of Abraham Lincoln.
"From the Democratic Presidential Campaign Songster," five verse song and chorus sung to the tune of "Lannigan's Ball." Democratic campaign song ridiculing Abraham Lincoln and "Black Republicans."
Four verse song sung to the tune of "Hark! The soft Bugle." Authorship is attributed to Horace Greeley in "The Wide Awake Vocalist or Rail Splitters' Song Book."
Four verse song and chorus sung to the tune of 'The Sucker State.'" Lyrics depict presidential elections and candidates in Pennsylvania, Indiana, and Ohio in 1860.
Illustrated three verse song. Lyrics depict death of rose at the end of the summer and the singer's devotion to it. Color cover image depicts pink rose intertwined with title.
Illustrated three verse song. Lyrics depict death of rose at the end of the summer and the singer's devotion to it. Color cover image depicts hand with three roses in a nature scene.
Illustrated three verse song and chorus, "As sung by Ben Cotton." Lyrics depict singer becoming infatuated with a woman he met on the street wearing a "Jockey hat." Color cover image depicts soldier greeting two women with large hoop skirts, hats,…
Illustrated four verse song sung to the tune of "Billy O'Rourke." Written in stereotypical Irish dialect. Lyrics depict singer being co-opted into Wide Awakes for Abraham Lincoln.
Eight verse song dipicts a woman working on a ship under the disguise of a cabin boy until she gives birth to the captain's child.
Illustrated four verse song. Lyrics depict a soldier's experience fighting while thinking of his lover at home. Color portrait of a woman above lyrics and American flags in the upper corners with "Liberty and Union Forever" between.
Eight verse song sung to the tune of "The Raging Canal." Lyrics depict a woman's story of falling in love and being rejected by her lover, leading her to commit suicide.
Ten verse song and chorus sung to the tune of '"The Gay and Happy.'" "Composed by J. S. Conklin, Company A, Engineer Reg't." Lyrics depict Illinois army Volunteers singing about pride and happiness to fight for the Union army under Henry Halleck and…
Seven verse song sung to the tune of "The Storm." Lyrics depict soldiers in battle and public support for the men fighting. Decorative border with faces in each corner.
Six verse song and chorus. Lyrics depict United States flag as a rallying point for soldiers fighting during the Civil War. Black decorative border.
Illustrated five verse song and chorus. Lyrics depict United States flag as a rallying point for soldiers fighting during the Civil War. Color cover image depicts soldiers embarking on boats with Confederate fort in background.
Illustrated three verse song and chorus: Lyrics depict the American flag as a symbol of unity. Color cover image depicts soldier raising American flag in front of bloody soldiers and armaments.
Illustrated three verse song and chorus. Lyrics depict a woman seeking a husband and presenting herself as an item for auction. Color cover image depicts a woman on stage waving an American flag.
Three verse song: "As sung by the Empire Glee Club." Lyrics depict happiness of heaven. Decorative border around text.
Three verse song sung to the tune of "Red, White, and Blue." Lyrics depict respect for George Washington and his legacy as inspiration for soldiers in battle. Decorative border depicting battle on land and on sea.
Five verse song with ornamental border. Advertisement above song reads, "Obtain by all means the companion for this song, the 'Song of the Farmer.'" Lyrics depict young boy looking for and finding work as a farmer's boy.
Four verse song and chourus sung to the tune of "Whack Row de Dow.'" Lyrics depict celebration over the Union army capturing the city of Charleston, SC from the Confederate troops. Color cover image depicts Fort Sumter under attack.
Illustrated five verse song: Lyrics depict soldier's dying words for his mother after being fatally wounded on the battlefield. Color cover image depicts soldier on the battlefield with angel in upper left corner and woman praying in front of a house…
Three verse song and chorus sung to the tune of "Last Rose of Summer." Lyrics depict body of drummer laying on the Antietam battlefield and the loss of soldiers in battle. Color cover image depicts "Advance Grand Cavalry - near Alexandria, Va."
Illustrated three verse song and chorus. Lyrics depict drummer boy's final words before dying on battlefield. Color cover image depicts battle with one soldier shooting another while on horseback.
Illustrated satirical four verse song written in stereotypical 19th century African American dialect. Lyrics depict abolitionist group attempting to wash a black person's skin color off. Color cover image depicts two African Americans sitting on…
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