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  • Collection: Civil War Song Sheets Collection
Illustrated three verse song sung to the tune of "On the Ranks of Allan Water." The song celebrates General Phillip H. Sheridan's victory over Confederate general Jubal Early in the Shenandoah Valley campaign, August-December 1864.
Illustrated reproduction of the famous Thomas Buchanan Read poem celebarting the victories of Union general Philip H. Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley campaign of 1864.
Illustrated fifteen verse song sung to the tune of "The Irish Volunteer" celebrates Union general William Tecumseh Sherman's victorious 1864 campaign in Georgia. Sheet Note: Subtitle: "Composed by P. A. Smith, Battery I, 2nd Illinois."
A five verse poem put to music in celebration of General William Tecumseh Sherman's victorious march through Georgia.
Three verse illustrated song and chorus also known as "She Was Such A Charmer."
Nine verse song and chorus praising Abraham Lincoln and and the Union cause. There is a handwritten verse on back of the song sheet.
Illustrated five verse song and chorus sung to the tune of "Teddy The Tiler", or "Cannibal Islands." The song celebrates the sinking of the Confederate raider C.S.S. Alabama off the coast of France. Description on sheet: "New Patriotic And Comic Song…
Six verse campaign song for Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin in the election of 1860.
Illustrated song sheet containing two songs. Each song is two verses; however the second song also has a chorus.
Nine verse song and chorus sung to the tune of "Bow Wow" satirizing women you use tobacco.
Illustrated three verse song in honor of soldiers who died fighting for the Union.
Illustrated three verse song and chorus praising men fighting for the Union. Note on sheet: Subject: "Sung with great applause by Miss Fannie Denham."
Illustrtaed song sheet containing two songs: a six verse song and a two verse song. Both songs describe a a soldier's longing for home and family.
Illustrated six verse song and chorus sung to the tune of "When this cruel war is over."
Illustrated three verse song sung to the tune of "The Minstrel Boy." The song commemorates soldiers who died fighting for the Union.
Illustrated three verse song about love and courtship.
Ten verse song and chorus sung to the tune of "Dixey's Land." The song celebrates Lincoln's nomination as the Republican candidate for president in the election of 1860.
Eight verse song and chorus sung to the tune of "The Fine Old English Gentleman". The song celebrates Lincoln's nomination as the Republican candidate for president in the election of 1860.
Three verse song sung to the tune of "The Captain with his whiskers." The lines consist of popular songs of the period (1860-1865).
Five verse song sung to the tune of "The Captain with his Whiskers." The song consists of titles of other popular songs of the period (1860-1865).
Four verse song sung to the tune of "Lilly Dale." The song supports Abraham Lincoln's campaign for the presidency in 1860. Sheet note: "Dedicated to the Springfield Glee Club, by J. M. M."
Illustrated seven verse song sung to the tune of "Rosin the Bow" or "Tippecanoe. The song commemorates the death of Colonel Elmer E. Ellsworth, the first Union officer killed in the Civil War and a friend of Abraham Lincoln.
Five verse song on the death of Abraham Lincoln sung to the tune of "Annie Laurie."
Illustrated five verse song on the death of Abraham Lincoln sung to the tune of "Annie Laurie."
Illustrated three verse satirical song on the capture of Confederate president Jefferson Davis. The song was also called "Jeff Davis Last Ditch."
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