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  • Collection: Civil War Song Sheets Collection
Illustrated seven verse pro-Union song sung to the tune of "Old Hundred."
Illustrated six verse song in which two Irish Americans talk about the war and praise the Union.
Six verse minstrel song and chorus referencing several subjects, including slavery and a presidential election.
Illustrated six verse song celebrating the 195th Pennsylvania Volunteers. Subtitle: "Ballad No. 2."
Illustrated three verse song commemorating the death of Union colonel Elmer Ellsworth.
Illustrated seven verse song and chorus sung to the tune of "Wait for the Wagon." The song supports Abraham Lincoln against George McClellan in the election of 1864.
Pro-slavery eight verse song and chorus denoucing John Brown and his raid on Harper's Ferry.
Illustrated eight verse song and chorus sung to the tune of "Irishman's Shanty."
Illustrated two verse song sung to the tune of "Jeannette and Jeannot." A common Civil War theme, in which a woman praises the patriotism and sacrifice of her sweetheart's miilitary service, copies of this song sheet often included an ilustration of…
Illustrated two verse song sung to the tune of "Jeannette and Jeannot." A common Civil War theme, in which a woman praises the patriotism and sacrifice of her sweetheart's miilitary service, copies of this song sheet often included an ilustration of…
Illustrated two verse song sung to the tune of "Jeannette and Jeannot." A common Civil War theme, in which a woman praises the patriotism and sacrifice of her sweetheart's miilitary service, copies of this song sheet often included an ilustration of…
Illustrated two verse song sung to the tune of "Jeannette and Jeannot." A common Civil War theme, in which a woman praises the patriotism and sacrifice of her sweetheart's miilitary service, copies of this song sheet often included an ilustration of…
Illustrated six verse song calling on Union volunteers from Brooklyn, New York.
Illustrated five verse song and chorus praising the patriotism and sacrifice of Union volunteers from New York.

Illustrated four verse song and chorus praising the New York Seventh Infantry Regiment sung to the tune of the "Star Spangled Banner." Officially the New York 7th Volunteer Infantry Regiment, the regiment served in the eastern theatre of the Civil…
Illustrated four verse song and chorus lamenting the death of Abraham Lincoln.
Two verse song with ornamental border.
Four verse drinking song sung to the tune of "Ben Bolt."
Two verse song and chorus sung to the tune of "Cheer, Boys Cheer." Description on sheet: "Lines suggested on witnessing Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, raising the new Flag of thirty-four stars on the flag pole on the roof of…
Illustrated eight verse song sung to the tune of "James Bird" or "Dying Californian."
Illustrated three verse song and chorus. Children's song about father's absence. Cover image depicts children in a garden scene.
Four verse song and chorus. Lyrics depict life on plantation while master is away as told through a slave's perspective. Written in stereotypical 19th century African American dialect. Lyrics clipped from larger publication.
Illustrated four verse song and chorus, "As sung by Dan Bryant." Lyrics depict life on plantation while master is away as told through a slave's perspective. Written in stereotypical 19th century African American dialect. Color cover image depicts…
Illustrated four verse song and chorus, "As sung by Dan Bryant." Lyrics depict life on plantation while master is away as told through a slave's perspective. Written in stereotypical 19th century African American dialect. Color cover image depicts…
Four verse song. "Written by Henry Wood, Esq. and sung by Wood's Minstrels, with the most enthusiastic applause." Written in stereotypical 19th century African American dialect. Lyrics depict fight between the Union and Confederacy over slavery and…
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