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  • Collection: Civil War Song Sheets Collection
Illustrated seven verse song and chorus. Lyrics depict life of a reluctant drafted soldier as told by a lover he left behind.
Illustrated three verse song and chorus, "As sung by Ben Cotton." Lyrics depict singer becoming infatuated with a woman he met on the street wearing a "Jockey hat." Color cover image depicts soldier greeting two women with large hoop skirts, hats,…
Four verse requiem and chorus sung to the tune of "Old Hundred." According to the date on the sheet, the composer wrote the requiem on April 19, 1865, only four days after Lincoln's death.
Six verse song honoring a regimental battle flag.
Four verse song praising the victory of Abraham Lincoln in the election of 1860, especially his winning Pennsylvania, the home state of outgoing president James Buchanan. Pennsylvania was also a state founded by Quakers, known pacifists, whom the…
Illustrated three verse love song and chorus.
Illustrated three verse song about a mother hoping for her son's safe return from war but willing to accept his death as a sacrifice for the Union.
Illustrated four verse song and chorus.
Illustrated four verse song and chorus.
Illustrated three verse song and chorus about the death of Lieutenant Franklin Butler Crosby. The sheet gives an incorrect date for Crosby's death. He died in battle on May 3, 1863, not May 2. Sheet note: "The last words of Lieut. Crosby who was…
Illustrated three verse song and chorus about the death of Lieutenant Franklin Butler Crosby. The sheet gives an incorrect date for Crosby's death. He died in battle on May 3, 1863, not May 2. Sheet note: "The last words of Lieut. Crosby who was…

Illustrated four verse song and chorus sung to the tune of "Under the Willow." Lyrics depict national grief and mourning for Abraham Lincoln. Cover image depicts battle scenes on land and sea on either side of text and Lincoln's signature above image…
Illustrated four verse song and chorus sung to the tune of "Under the Willow she's sleeping." The song laments the death of Abraham Lincoln.
Three verse song and chorus, "From Auber's Manon Lascaut". Lyrics depict a man spying at night on the woman he loves.
Illustrated four verse song. Lyrics depict a soldier's experience fighting while thinking of his lover at home. Color portrait of a woman above lyrics and American flags in the upper corners with "Liberty and Union Forever" between.
Illustrated four verse song and chorus. Lyrics depict patriotism and love for the United States. Color cover image depicts "Harrisburg, PA. (Bridgeport) No. 3."
Three verse song. Lyrics depict mourning for mother and difficulty handling grief. Decorative border with male and female figures on either side with angel at top.
Illustrated three verse song and chorus depicting a long awaited homecoming.
Illustrated four verse song sung to the tune of "On the Road to Brighton." Lyrics depict support for General George B. McClellan (Little Mac). Color cover depicts portrait of George McClellan.
Seven verse song sung to the tune of "California Brothers" about the death of Colonel Elmer E. Ellsworth.
Illustrated five verse song on the death of Abraham Lincoln sung to the tune of "Annie Laurie."
Five verse song on the death of Abraham Lincoln sung to the tune of "Annie Laurie."
Illustrated four verese song depicts buccaneer speaking to his bride about life on the sea. Cover image depicts a border with a human in each corner surrounded by foliage.
Six verse pro-Union song and chorus sung to the tune of "Free and Easy."
Illustrated fifteen verse song sung to the tune of "The Irish Volunteer" celebrates Union general William Tecumseh Sherman's victorious 1864 campaign in Georgia. Sheet Note: Subtitle: "Composed by P. A. Smith, Battery I, 2nd Illinois."
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