An architect's drawing illustrates the Palatine Commercial Corporation Building. At bottom: "J. C. Zarnowiecki, J. A. Slupkowski, Associate Architects."
A large window display of clothing decorates the entrance toKorporacya Handlowa Polskiego Orla No. 2.Korporacya Handlowa Polskiego Orla translates to "Commercial Corporation Polish eagle".
Window displays of men's hats and brooms decorate the front ofKorporacya Handlowa Polskiego Orla. Korporacya Handlowa Polskiego Orla translates to "Commercial Corporation Polish Eagle".
A man stands in the doorway of a Palatine Commercial Corporation storefront under a sign reading "Liberty, Polska Korporacya Handlowa Wolnosc." Polska Korporacya Handlowa Wolnosc translates to "Polish Corporation Trade Freedom".
A man stands outside the Palatine Commercial Corporation store looking at window displays of men's and women's clothing. A second man looks at the camera from a second story window of the building. Polska korporacya translates to "Polish…
A collage of photos features images of Palatine Commercial Corporation employees. Photo captions translated from Polish into English read "Office Secretary" (left), "Office President" (center), and "Office Treasurer" (right).