Granville Ill May 14 1861
Hon R. Yates
Dear Sir encase the Regement now at Joliette should be called into Service I wish to sugest the name of the Revd George D Henderson as a suitable man for Chaplain for said Regement he is a Minister in conexeon of the United Presbyterean denomanation a Most excelent man who would exert a restraining enfluance in camp he is in evry way suited for the place
He took an active parte in aiding in geting up the company from here under the Comand of Capt C Fresbee he is a very Poplar man with the company one who is calculated to exert a greate enfluance for good in the camp a man of good judgement the friends & acquantances of the company are solisites that he should go in that Capacity
He can be recomended by all the prominent men of his acquaintance He did not ask the apointment
but at the urgent Solisitation of his friends and this comunity generaly he has consented to go in that capasity should the way be open
I am not advised as to the maner or way of making these apointments presuming that you are acquainted and know who has the appointing power hopeing you will take the matter under consideration and let Me hear from you on the subject
Respectfuly your frend
A Wardlaw
A Wardlaw
Recommending the appt as Chaplain of Rev G. D. Henderson