With Richard E. Randolph 5/24/61
Cairo Illinois May 16th 1861
To His Excellency Gov. Yates
I see by the Cincinnati Gazette of yesterday, that the different governors of states will have the appointments of the officers to be selected in the army to fill the 39 regiments called for by the President.
I beg leave to ask your Excellency for an appointment as Lieutenant. I have served in the Mexican and Florida Wars, and as soon as Col Sloo returns home I will send your Excellency recommendations from him, from Capt W Hunter, David J Baker Jr & others.
I am at present Dep Circt Clerk of this county and correspondent of the "Journal," published at Springfield over the signature of "[Juvenis?]"
Hoping your Excellency will regard me as an applicant for the post I have named, I will conclude with the assurance to your Excellency, that if you will give me a Lieutenant Commission I will on all occasions endeavour to perform my duty with alacrity and fidelity
I am very respectfully your excellency's
obt servant
Richd E. Randolph
P.S. I understand the infantry drill better than artillery or cavalry
R. E. Randolph
For Lt appl