Executive Department
Springfield Ills May 16th 1861
His Excellency
A Lincoln
President U.S.A.
My duty to the
People of Illinois as her Chief Executive officer
is my apology for Troubling you with these unsoli
cited suggestions, which the Hon "John A Mc
Clernard has kindly undertaken to deliver.
Peculiarly exposed as Illinois is to the casualties
of the existing Civil War it is natural that she
should feel solicitous in regard to its conduct
and operations, hence from the first she has not
ceased to regard the non occupation of the
salient points on the Upper and the Main Mifs
ifsippi near Cairo with the deepest concern,
among these places may be Clafsed Birds Point
and New Madrid both in Mifsouri and Col
umbus or Hickman or perhaps both in Kentucky.
The occupation of these places by the enemy
would effectually countervail all that has been
done under federal auspices at Cairo. Moreover
it would enable the enemy to bring the war
upon the borders of Illinois one of the most loyal
States in the Union while in the other hand the
the occupations of these places by federal
Troops would not only cover Cairo as a base
of Military Operations but afford a line of
Posts covering any advance movement that
might be made from that point upon the South,
with these places in their pofsesion, and fortified
with Batteries Commanding the Mifsifsippi it
appears to me that it would be quite practicable
for them suddenly to fall upon Memphis and
take it by surprize, this I think might be
made the bloodlefs achievement of an adequate
force rapidly pafsing from Cairo upon Memphis
and with Memphis in their hands, in my
opinion the fate not only of the Mifsifsippi River
but of the Mifsifsippi Valley would be Virtually
determined, Certainly that of Tennefsee and
Whilst deprecating any policy that would
invite attack upon Cairo by limiting the Operat
ions at that Point to the simple object of defence
I would in part for the reasons given respectfully
but earnestly urge your Excellency to Cause the
places named immediately to be occupied by
adequate Military forces. if other reasons for
such a Measure were required they might
be found in the unceasing threats against
Cairo emanating from the reputed rebels
in Memphis or if not in them in the bloody
tragedies lately enacted in St Louis or if not
in them at least in the Military bill
lately pafsed by the Mifsouri Legislature
which in ignoring all federal obligations
and investing the Governor of that state
with dictatorial powers is a virtual de
claration of War against the United States
and particularly the bordering loyal States
these latter occurrences happening either
upon or near the border of Illinois threaten
her with the most serious Complications and
prompt me, to ask and expect of your Ex
cellency timely and effectual measures of
precaution against their Consequences
The bearer of this Communication who is
well known to you is familiar with the
matters herein treated of and will be able
to elucidate them by more ample discufsion
an opportunity for which I trust you will
be pleased to vouchsafe to him
Respectfully Yours
Richd Yates
Copy to Lincoln
as to
Brdr points &c
Not sent