Washington April 3 1864
Hon: Mr. Yates.
Dr. Sir
You now have it in your power to help the poor negro as well as the poor white man, by urging upon Congress to pass a stay law for this City & the District of Columbia.
As the law now is if a man is in arrears for Rent they walk in your House & take over the beds from under you. I have been served so myself twice my family stripped of everything. I beg leave to call your attention to this fact, & earnestly implore you to insist upon it being done. I should have called on you when you was here but have been confined to my bed for the past 4 months & God only knows whether I shall ever rise from it & I am anxious to have a law passed that will prevent my family from being turned in the street without an article of furniture to help themselves with -
Yours Respectfully
G.B. Harleston
Our friend Mrs Harrison has just buried her brother.
Harleston. G B
April 3. 1864
Asks Govr. to urge upon Congress the necessity of passing a Stay Law for City of Washn and District of Columbia, there being at present no protection for Tenants of Houses -