Camp 80" Ills Vols Infs
Blue Spring Tenn April 9/64
Thomas Quick Esq
I have read in the Nashville Union that Gov Yeates will call some Regts home before long for State Protection I wish you to do something for the 80" Ills, Vols, Inf We have seen extreme hard Service and our Officers are Mostly all Prisoners without our officers we have hard times We have as noble Set of men as ever went from the Proud state of Illinois I can safely Say there is not a soldier in the Regt that is Copperheadish or the least tainted with it. I trust you will do something for us if there is to be Regt called home from States Duty if all the Regts that are in the Service had done as much
as the 80th this rebelion would have been put down by this time. Our Camp is within four miles of a nice little town Called Cleavland It is the best Country I have seen in rebeldom
It is called East Tennessee We have a great many Union Citizens in this part and they are true loyal We heard from Maj Bates he escaped from Libby but was recaptured I saw an Officer that was a Prisoner he told me he knew Maj Bates and after he was recaptured he was confined in a cell all he got to eat was bread and water Poor Maj a noble man a brave man a good man beloved by all of the Regt I will have to close as I am not in a convenient place to write Soldiers have to take it as they can git it
I am yours Most Obt Jas Cunningham
Capt & Act Major
Cunningham Jas
Cap 80th Ills
Camp Blue Spring Ten
April 7 1864.
If there is to be a Regt Called back for home protection, requests that the 80th be selected as one truly loyal. has Seen and done much Service.
Letter from Thos Quick Seconding this request encld.