Camp Point April 12 64
Gov Yates
Dear Sir
James J. Earl my son enlisted the 19th of Feb last and went to Camp Butler and was taken with an epademic catarh on his lungs he is at home on a furlow and it is out and he wants to report personaly; But, is not able, as he has ben growing worse ever since he came home, He has not ben mustered in to the U. S. Service nor received no bounty and his Doctor thinks he never will be able for service. I pray you if you have the authority discharge him if not where shal I apply, and confer a favor on a widowed Mother
Rebecca Earl
Pleas let me know soon
Direct to Rebecca Earl
Camp Point Ills.
Earl, Rebecca.
Camp Point, Ills
April 19, 1864.
Has a son who enlisted on 17th Feb last. Sent home on Sick furlough, which as expired. is no better and never will be fit for service has not been mustered in received neither pay or bounty. and She wants him discharged
H -