Nora, Ill, April the 18, 1864
to the governor deer sir as I am pore and verry aged I thought I would ask your assistense to help me to my sons discharge, he is in the hospital Jeffersonville Indianah hee was wounded in the side at the battle at Chatanog and was at home on a furlough and returned a few days ago he ses the surgeon ses he wont anser to go back to the Rigiment in six months if he dus at all, his name is William E Tilton, he belongs to the ninetysix, Co, K, he went in to the armey before he was seventeen yers old, I need his help verry much I have no house or home my Age is 69 this fall I cant laber much, I have one son in the armey now which is older than William leves me and wife alone, William can help me a good deel whare in he Cant be of much us to the government for some time to come
Abram Tilton
plese to answer this if you will be so good and oblige your humble sur
I. N. H. 59 86
Tilton Abram
Nora. Ills
April 18 1864
Letter to Mr Telon June 17 64 giving information as per endorsmt
Requests the discharge of his son Wm E Tilton Co K 96th now in Hospital at Jeffersonville. Ind from wounds rec'd at Chickamauga Submits his age (69) and the having another Son in Army and no other help. a Sufficient plea
State of Illinois
Executive Dept
Springfield Apl 30 1864
Respectf'y referred to the Surgn in Charge U.S. Hospitals of Jeffersonville Ind with the request that Wm E Tilton be Examined and discharged if found unfit for further service
Francis A. Hoffmann
Lt Govr & Act'g Gov.
Recd I G.H. May 8, 1864.
E.B. 67 I.G.H.
Jefferson General Hospital
Jeffersonville, May 30 1864
Respectfully referred to Act Asst Surgn J. W. White, U.S.A. in charge of Ward No. 4, for report
M Goldsmith
Surg U.S. vols. in charge
E. B. 38 I. G. H.
Ward No 4
Jefferson US Genl Hospital
Jeffersonville May 30, 1864
Respectfully returned with the information that he has no phisical or mental disability that will warrant his discharge from service.
I have the honor to be surgeon, Very Respectfully
Your obd servt
J. Walraven White, AAS. USA
In charge Ward
E. B. 68 I. G. H.
Jefferson US Hospital
Jeffersonville, May 30, 1864.
Respectfully returned to Gov. Hoffmann Attention called to above endorsements.
M. Goldsmith
Surg US Vols.
In charge.
Inform party