Office of Commissary General of Prisoners,
Washington, D.C. April 19th 1864
Hon Richard Yates Governor of Illinois, Springfield, Ill.
In answer to letters referred by you on the 5th inst, for the release of Robert Lindsey a prisoner of War at Camp Douglass, I have the honor to inform your Excellency, that at present no prisoners of War, or Political prisoners, are being discharged except in very special cases, and then by order of the President. The case of this prisoner will be reserved for future consideration, and in the mean time he will not be sent South for Exchange against his consent
I am Sir Very Respectfully Your Ob'dt Sevt
M Hoffman Colonel 3d Infty Comg Genl of Pris.
Hoffman. Col M. Pffice Com Genl of Prisoners Washington D.C.
April 17. 1864
In answer to letter of 5th inst. applying for release of Robert Lindsay. a Prisoner of War, at Camp Douglas, says no Prisoners of War or Poll. Prisoners are at present discharged, but by Special order of the Presid't - This case will be held over for Consideration -
Showed letter to Gen'l Ross who has made the appln.