Sandwich Illinois June 21st/61
Hon. Richard Yates
Dear Sir
Being willing to serve my country in any capacity where I can be useful to her, but unwilling to be considered a seeker after office, this is to inform you that if my services as Chaplain would be of use to any of our State or U. S. forces they will cheerfully rendered when applied for.
I am at present Pastor of the Presbyterian Church in this place. You may probably remember me as a student of Illinois College from 1844 to 1848 and Tutor in the same Institution during the two years subsequent to my graduation.
As to personal and professional qualifications I beg leave to refer you to Pres. Sturtevant.
Please do not consider this as an application for place as I have no particular desire for the position.
Our village has sent forth two full companies.
Your very Respectfully
L. P. Crawford
June 21st 61.
Rev. L. P. Crawford
Tendering services as Chaplain