Robinson Crawford County Ill
July 25th 1861
Hon Richard Yates
I should like to be of some Advantage to the Government in the present struggle and an idea suggested itself to my mind to day which I have thought proper to lay before you. I am well acquainted with all that region of country near the present location of the Confederate army and the country lying between Alexandria and Warrenton, I propose to visit that section gather all the information possible which may be of service to the Federal Government and report the same to Headquarters I am satisfied in my own mind that I can gather information which will be of great benefit to our commanding officers when the next attack is made and I am willing to take the risk on my own head of being detected by the confederates. As a matter of course it would not be known to but few here that I was acting in the capacity of "spy". I have hinted the matter only to S.D. [Merserve?] and James H Steel Esq of this place who like myself deeply deplore the result of the late battle. All that I require is the necessary funds to pay travelling expenses &c and am ready to start at a moments notice
With respect I am yrs &c
E.P. Martin
Have no authority - if apply to Genl Freemont, he might give you place and I think your services would be valuable
E P Martin
Application to be apptd "Spy"
Answered and referred to Gen'l Fremont Aug 14