Monmouth Ill
July 31st 1861
Hon Richard Yates
Governor of Illinois
Dr Sir
Yours of the 27th inst is at hand If you will give the letter to Col Marshall, and mail direct to him. I will be much obliged.
All our Union men are more anxious than ever to go to the defence of our country. Should you at any time need more men than are tendered - any proper proportion can be had at once from this county.
Several companies are organized in the county. I shall be very glad to assist the executive at any time in anything I can do. I am so unfortunate
as not to be able to go into service where it would require foot service and I do not think I am at all qualified for a Field officer But any exertion that I can make toward organizing companies or fitting them out I shall at all times be ready to do
Should you at any time need my assistance in any way where I can be useful. Command me
I am exceedingly gratified with the action of the State of Illinois too much cannot be done by her and I feel that all will be done that can be.
Yours &c
Philo E. Reed
Philo E. Reed.