T. P. Robb to Richard Yates, enclosure



T. P. Robb to Richard Yates, enclosure


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










Chicago July 7th 1864

Governor Yates

Dear Sir

I enclose a dispatch my friend Mr Lee received yesterday from Washington in regard to the Direct Tax Commissionership. You will notice that all the appointments have been made except Mississippi. I have concluded that unless immediate application is made the appointments for that State will be made also. The Marshalship of Arkansas, I notice by the Tribune, has been given to Prest Lincolns Private Secy. I have therefore settled upon the Direct Tax Commissionership for Miss. If you will be kind enough to make the application for me, I will feel myself under renewed obligations. After the application has been made, if you deem it best for me to go to Washington with my recommendations I will do so at once. Otherwise I will leave the matter till you go. I fear however that unless the application is made at once, the position will be filled. My Chicago address will be care George L. Less P O Draw 6151.

Very Respectfully T.P. Robb

Robb T P. Major

Chicago July 7th 1864

Writes Governor in regard to appointment as Commissioner for Miss.

Western Union Telegraph Company.

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To Jamson L Lee July 186

By Telegraph from Washington 186

Direct tax Commission

Appointed for all except Mississippi

Chas E Lathrop

5 Ch 140 & 28 Cal



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