Aurora Aug. 8th 1861.
His Excel. Gov. Yates
Springfield, IL
Though a stranger to you permit me to address you in behalf of one, my oldest son, who is willing and ready to give his services to his country in this hour of her difficulty and trial. He is disabled by a slight paralysis of his left leg and hand from entering the rank and file of the army, but he is a good scholar and can write with ease and usual rapidity. Has paid attention to Book Keeping and is prepared to fulfil any function of a clerk, paymaster, or commissariat and is desirous of obtaining some such position. He is pure in morals, of strict integrity, and prompt in every
required duty. I am myself Pastor of the 1st Presbyterian Church in this place, and sympathise deeply with the cause of my country. My son seeks to serve his country and asks the opportunity of doing so in any position which he can fill.
Will you be kind enough to consider his case in the numerous appointments of your department. He* voted for Mr. Lincoln and sustains his measures throughout. As private secretary or confidential agent he would render valuable service.
Is the office of Paymaster in the Regiment about to encamp here yet filled? Or have you any other in which you could give him position? Please inform me what references will be needed, or what steps necessary in order obtain an appointment. Pardon my intrusion. God help our country, give us good deliverance from every enemy, and enable the government to vindicate it own existence its majesty & power. Suppress all
treason and give us an honorable peace, a firmer union and a more glorious prosperity than we have ever yet enjoyed.
Yours very truly
Alfred Hamilton
*He reminds me that he would have done it but at the time was in Missouri where he was not entitled to vote.
Rec'd A. Hamilton
wants position for his son
Answered August 12.